create procedure myApplyList ( in apply_id varchar(50), in startRecord int, in pageSize int ) select * from ( select base.order_id as order_id, base.creator_id as creator_id, base.contact_name as contact_name, base.order_type as order_type, base.order_status as order_status, base.order_title as order_title, unix_timestamp(base.create_date) as create_date, enq.user_id as applicant_id from base_order as base, apply_1 as enq where base.order_id = enq.order_id and enq.`status` != 3 and enq.user_id=apply_id union select base.order_id as order_id, base.creator_id as creator_id, base.contact_name as contact_name, base.order_type as order_type, base.order_status as order_status, base.order_title as order_title, unix_timestamp(base.create_date) as create_date, oth.applicant_id as applicant_id from base_order as base, apply_2 as oth where base.order_id = oth.order_id and oth.apply_state != 3 and oth.applicant_id=apply_id union select base.order_id as order_id, base.creator_id as creator_id, base.contact_name as contact_name, base.order_type as order_type, base.order_status as order_status, base.order_title as order_title, unix_timestamp(base.create_date) as create_date, adv.applicant_id as applicant_id from base_order as base, apply_3 as adv where base.order_id = adv.order_id and adv.apply_state != 3 and adv.applicant_id=apply_id union select base.order_id as order_id, base.creator_id as creator_id, base.contact_name as contact_name, base.order_type as order_type, base.order_status as order_status, base.order_title as order_title, unix_timestamp(base.create_date) as create_date, coo.applicant_id as applicant_id from base_order as base, apply_4 as coo where base.order_id = coo.order_id and coo.apply_state != 3 and coo.applicant_id=apply_id ) apply_All order by create_date desc limit startRecord, pageSize -- 调用示例:call myApplyList('4c15c296-cb08-4811-84ad-58b5e0774001',0,20);
public class BaseOrderApplyList { private String orderId; private int orderType; private int orderStatus; private String orderTitle; private Long createDate; private String creatorId; private String contactName; // 省略getter/setter代码 }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > <mapper namespace="com.wusong.firefly.dao.mysql.firefly.BaseOrderApplyListMapper"> <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.wusong.firefly.domain.firefly.BaseOrderApplyList"> <result column="order_id" property="orderId"/> <result column="creator_id" property="creatorId"/> <result column="contact_name" property="contactName"/> <result column="order_type" property="orderType"/> <result column="order_status" property="orderStatus"/> <result column="order_title" property="orderTitle"/> <result column="create_date" property="createDate"/> </resultMap> <sql id="Base_Column_List"> order_id, creator_id, contact_name, order_type, order_status, order_title, create_date </sql> <select id="listBaseOrderByApplyId" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="Map" statementType="CALLABLE"> { call myApplyList( #{applyId, jdbcType=VARCHAR, mode=IN}, #{startRecord, jdbcType=INTEGER, mode=IN}, #{pageSize, jdbcType=INTEGER, mode=IN} ) } </select> </mapper>
package com.wusong.firefly.dao.mysql.firefly; import com.wusong.firefly.domain.firefly.BaseOrderApplyList; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; import java.util.List; public interface BaseOrderApplyListMapper { /** * 我的接单列表,包含所有类型订单,除了应征失败所有订单 * @param applyId * @param startRecord * @param pageSize * @return */ List<BaseOrderApplyList> listBaseOrderByApplyId(@Param("applyId") String applyId, @Param("startRecord") Integer startRecord, @Param("pageSize") Integer pageSize); }
/** * 我的接单列表 * @param applyId * @param pageNo * @param pageSize * @return */ List<BaseOrderApplyList> listBaseOrderByApplyId(String applyId, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize);
@Override public List<BaseOrderApplyList> listBaseOrderByApplyId(String applyId, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize) { int startRecord = pageNo * pageSize; return baseOrderApplyListMapper.listBaseOrderByApplyId(applyId, startRecord, pageSize); }
List<BaseOrderApplyList> baseOrderApplyLists = baseOrderService.listBaseOrderByApplyId(userId, pageNo, pageSize);