Linux bzcmp,bzdiff,bzmore,bzless和bzgrep命令用例子解释
虽然bzip2命令行实用程序可用于压缩文件,但还有许多其他工具可用于执行基本任务(如比较此类文件),而无需解压缩它们。 在本教程中,我们将使用一些易于理解的示例讨论bzcmp,bzdiff,bzmore,bzless和bzgrep命令的基础知识。
但在我们这样做之前,值得一提的是本文中的所有示例都在Ubuntu 18.04 LTS机器上进行了测试。
Linux bzcmp,bzdiff,bzmore,bzless和bzgrep命令
Q1。 bzcmp和bzdiff命令如何工作?
顾名思义,这些命令用于比较.bz2文件。 以下是他们的语法:
bzcmp [ cmp_options ] file1 [ file2 ]
bzdiff [ diff_options ] file1 [ file2 ]
Bzcmp and bzdiff are used to invoke the cmp or the diff program on
bzip2 compressed files. All options specified are passed directly to
cmp or diff. If only 1 file is specified, then the files compared are
file1 and an uncompressed file1.bz2. If two files are specified, then
they are uncompressed if necessary and fed to cmp or diff. The exit
status from cmp or diff is preserved.
bzcmp file1.bz2 file2.bz2
bzdiff file1.bz2 file2.bz2
Q2。 bzmore和bzless命令如何工作?
就像越来越少,bzmore和bzless都是用于CRT查看的过滤器,但是对于压缩的bz2文件。 为了给你一个更好的想法,这里有一个关于bzmore的摘录,来自其手册页:
Bzmore is a filter which allows examination of compressed or plain text
files one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. bzmore works on
files compressed with bzip2 and also on uncompressed files. If a file
does not exist, bzmore looks for a file of the same name with the addi?
tion of a .bz2 suffix.
Bzmore normally pauses after each screenful, printing --More-- at the
bottom of the screen. If the user then types a carriage return, one
more line is displayed. If the user hits a space, another screenful is
displayed. Other possibilities are enumerated later.
当然,您也可以使用这些命令来查看压缩文件。 这是一个例子:
Q3。 bzgrep命令如何工作?
正如你现在已经猜到的那样,bzgrep也可以用于我们在这里解释的其他bz系列命令。 具体来说,它是grep ,但对于压缩文件。 以下是此命令的手册页的摘录:
Bzgrep is used to invoke the grep on bzip2-compressed files. All
options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is speci?
fied, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to
grep. Otherwise the given files are uncompressed if necessary and fed
to grep.
bzgrep "menu" file1.bz2
因此,如果您正在处理压缩文件(.bz2),并且想要执行搜索,比较等基本操作,则可以使用这些命令。 我们在这里讨论了基础知识。 有关这些工具的更多信息,请访问他们的手册页( 此处 , 此处和此处 )。