
在这篇文章中,我们将看到我们如何使用的dmidecode命令检索任何Linux系统的硬件信息。 假设,如果我们要升级,我们需要收集如内存 ,BIOSCPU等信息的系统 随着的dmidecode命令的帮助下,我们会知道的细节,而无需打开系统的底盘。 的dmidecode命令适用于RHEL / CentOS的 / Fedora的 / Ubuntu Linux操作系统。


的dmidecode工具读取DMI(一说SMBIOS)表来获取数据并显示有用的系统信息像硬件的详细信息序列号BIOS版本, 处理器等。 以人类可读的格式。 您可能需要root priviledge才能执行dmidecode命令。



# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
SMBIOS 2.3 present.
45 structures occupying 1642 bytes.
Table at 0x000E0010.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD
Version: 6.00
Release Date: 12/06/2006
Address: 0xE78A0
Runtime Size: 100192 bytes
ROM Size: 64 kB
ISA is supported
PCI is supported
PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported
PNP is supported
APM is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
ESCD support is available
USB legacy is supported
Smart battery is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported


DMI标识给我们系统的特定的硬件信息。 的dmidecode与选项'-t'或' '和'ID'将为我们提供确切的infromation。 ID 6会给我们内存模块的信息。

[root@youcl ~]# dmidecode -t 6
# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
SMBIOS 2.3 present.
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Memory Module Information
Socket Designation: RAM socket #0
Bank Connections: 0 1
Current Speed: Unknown
Installed Size: 1024 MB (Single-bank Connection)
Enabled Size: 1024 MB (Single-bank Connection)
Error Status: OK
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Memory Module Information
Socket Designation: RAM socket #1
Bank Connections: 2 3
Current Speed: Unknown
Installed Size: Not Installed
Enabled Size: Not Installed
Error Status: OK
Handle 0x000B, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Memory Module Information
Socket Designation: RAM socket #2
Bank Connections: 4 5
Current Speed: Unknown
Installed Size: Not Installed
Enabled Size: Not Installed
Error Status: OK
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 6, 12 bytes
Memory Module Information
Socket Designation: RAM socket #3
Bank Connections: 6 7
Current Speed: Unknown
Installed Size: Not Installed
Enabled Size: Not Installed
Error Status: OK


		Type   Information
1		System
2		Base Board
3		Chassis
4		Processor
5		Memory Controller
6		Memory Module
7		Cache
8		Port Connector
9		System Slots
10		On Board Devices
11		OEM Strings
12		System Configuration Options
13		BIOS Language
14		Group Associations
15		System Event Log
16		Physical Memory Array
17		Memory Device
18		32-bit Memory Error
19		Memory Array Mapped Address
20		Memory Device Mapped Address
21		Built-in Pointing Device
22		Portable Battery
23		System Reset
24		Hardware Security
25		System Power Controls
26		Voltage Probe
27		Cooling Device
28		Temperature Probe
29		Electrical Current Probe
30		Out-of-band Remote Access
31		Boot Integrity Services
32		System Boot
33		64-bit Memory Error
34		Management Device
35		Management Device Component
36		Management Device Threshold Data
37		Memory Channel
38		IPMI Device
39		Power Supply

相反,与“TYPE_ID'去,你也可以使用带有”-t“参数的命令的dmidecode关键字。 以下是可用关键字的列表。

	Keyword     Types
bios        0, 13
system      1, 12, 15, 23, 32
baseboard   2, 10
chassis     3
processor   4
memory      5, 6, 16, 17
cache       7
connector   8
slot        9

例如,为了获得对系统的缓存信息,您可以执行以下命令,而不是ID 7。

[root@youcl ~]# dmidecode -t cache
# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
SMBIOS 2.3 present.
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L1 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Socketed, Level 1
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: Internal
Installed Size: 16 kB
Maximum Size: 16 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Pipeline Burst
Installed SRAM Type: Asynchronous
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Unknown
System Type: Unknown
Associativity: Unknown
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
Socket Designation: L2 Cache
Configuration: Enabled, Socketed, Level 2
Operational Mode: Write Back
Location: External
Installed Size: 0 kB
Maximum Size: 512 kB
Supported SRAM Types:
Pipeline Burst
Installed SRAM Type: None
Speed: Unknown
Error Correction Type: Unknown
System Type: Unknown
Associativity: Unknown


我如何获得对系统内存信息和多少内存被系统支持? 下面的命令表明,该系统可以支持的内存最高4GB。

[root@youcl ~]# dmidecode -t 16
# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
SMBIOS 2.3 present.
Handle 0x001D, DMI type 16, 15 bytes
Physical Memory Array
Location: System Board Or Motherboard
Use: System Memory
Error Correction Type: None
Maximum Capacity: 4 GB
Error Information Handle: Not Provided
Number Of Devices: 4




[root@youcl ~]# dmidecode -t bios
# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS version fixup (2.31 -> 2.3).
SMBIOS 2.3 present.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD
Version: 6.00
Release Date: 12/06/2006
Address: 0xE78A0
Runtime Size: 100192 bytes
ROM Size: 64 kB
ISA is supported
PCI is supported
PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported
PNP is supported
APM is supported
BIOS is upgradeable
BIOS shadowing is allowed
ESCD support is available
USB legacy is supported
Smart battery is supported
BIOS boot specification is supported



[root@youcl ~]# dmidecode -t system
# dmidecode 2.11
SMBIOS 2.4 present.
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: LENOVO
Product Name: 9637C76
Version: ThinkCentre M55e
Serial Number: L9BT188
UUID: 8015D37A-2F82-DC11-A3FB-8C6E4EBAD5CE
Wake-up Type: AC Power Restored
SKU Number: Not Specified
Family: Not Specified
Handle 0x000F, DMI type 12, 5 bytes
System Configuration Options
Option 1: Jumper settings can be described here.
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 15, 29 bytes
System Event Log
Area Length: 432 bytes
Header Start Offset: 0x0000
Header Length: 16 bytes
Data Start Offset: 0x0010
Access Method: General-purpose non-volatile data functions
Access Address: 0x0000
Status: Valid, Not Full
Change Token: 0x0000001A
Header Format: Type 1
Supported Log Type Descriptors: 3
Descriptor 1: POST error
Data Format 1: POST results bitmap
Descriptor 2: Single-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 2: Multiple-event
Descriptor 3: Multi-bit ECC memory error
Data Format 3: Multiple-event
Handle 0x0017, DMI type 23, 13 bytes
System Reset
Status: Enabled
Watchdog Timer: Present
Boot Option: Do Not Reboot
Boot Option On Limit: Do Not Reboot
Reset Count: Unknown
Reset Limit: Unknown
Timer Interval: Unknown
Timeout: Unknown
Handle 0x001F, DMI type 32, 20 bytes
System Boot Information

请从终端或命令提示符下运行“ 的dmidecode人 ”更多地了解的dmidecode。


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