jQuery插件Swiper 极其强大的移动端PC端滑块

Swiper是一款免费和超级轻量的适用于多种设备的的滑块幻灯片插件,可适用于移动网站,移动APP和移动本地APP,插件原为IOS设计,也可以在Android,Windows Phone 8和现代桌面浏览器上使用。



<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_css/idangerous.swiper.css">
<script defer src="http://libs.useso.com/js/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js "></script>
<script defer src="path_to_js/idangerous.swiper-2.x.min.js"></script>


<div class="swiper-container">
  <div class="swiper-wrapper">      <!--First Slide-->
      <div class="swiper-slide"> 
        <!--  这里写入你需要的任意html内容 -->
      <!--Second Slide-->
      <div class="swiper-slide">        
      <!-- Any HTML content of the second slide goes here -->
      <!--Third Slide-->
      <div class="swiper-slide"> 
        <!-- Any HTML content of the third slide goes here -->

打开 idangerous.swiper.css ,在文件最后修改Swiper's 的宽和高

/* Specify Swiper's Size: */
.swiper-container, .swiper-slide {
  width: 500px;
  height: 200px;


<script type="text/javascript">
  Use document ready or window load events
  For example:
  With jQuery: $(function() { ...code here... })
  Or window.onload = function() { ...code here ...}
  Or document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ ...code here... }, false)
  window.onload = function() {
    var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{
      //Your options here:
      loop: true
    var mySwiper = $('.swiper-container').swiper({
      //Your options here:
      loop: true


  • mySwiper.disableMousewheelControl() – 关闭鼠标滚轮控制

  • mySwiper.enableMousewheelControl() – 开启鼠标滚轮控制

  • mySwiper.enableKeyboardControl() – 开启按键控制

  • mySwiper.disableKeyboardControl() – 关闭按键控制

  • mySwiper.swipeNext() – 变形到下一个slide

  • mySwiper.swipePrev() – 变形到上一个slide

  • mySwiper.swipeTo(index, speed, runCallbacks) – 跳转到index值的slide,speed为跳转的速度,runCallbacks为跳转后回调的涵数

  • mySwiper.browser.ie10 – 如果是IE10返回true

  • mySwiper.browser.ie8 – 如果是IE8返回true

  • mySwiper.support.touch –如果支持触屏事件返回true

  • mySwiper.support.transforms -如果支持CSS3变型返回true

  • mySwiper.support.transforms3d – 如果支持CSS3 3D变型返回true

  • mySwiper.support.transitions – 如果支持CSS3返回true

  • mySwiper.activeSlide() – 返回当前slide的内容

  • mySwiper.clickedSlideIndex – 返回单击或触摸后的slide的index值. 便于 "onSlideTouch" 和"onSlideClick" 调用

  • mySwiper.clickedSlide – 返回单击或触摸后的slide的内容. 便于 "onSlideTouch" 和"onSlideClick" 调用.

  • mySwiper.activeIndex – 返回当前slide的index值.

  • mySwiper.activeLoopIndex – 在循环模式下返回当前slide的index值.

  • mySwiper.activeLoaderIndex – 在加载模式下返回当前slide的index值.

  • mySwiper.previousIndex – 返回上一个slide的index值.

  • mySwiper.startAutoplay() – 开始自动播放.

  • mySwiper.stopAutoplay() – 停止自动播放.

  • mySwiper.destroy( removeResizeEvent ) – 将删除所有附加事件侦听器

  • mySwiper.resizeFix() – 在slide改变大小窗口没有变时调用此函数.

  • mySwiper.reInit() – 初始化 Swiper. 用于动态添加或删除 slides.

  • mySwiper.width – 返回swiper容器的宽度

  • mySwiper.height – 返回swiper容器的高度

  • mySwiper.isTouched – 当触摸slide时返回true

  • mySwiper.positions -返对对象容器的x轴与y轴值

  • mySwiper.touches -返回对象的信息

  • mySwiper.params – 访问对象与传递的参数初始化.初始化后你可以重定义参数, 像mySwiper.params.speed=500

  • mySwiper.getWrapperTranslate(axis) – 返回对象容器的变形偏移量,像素为单位。 "translate"/offset (in px). "axis" – 为字符 "x"(横屏) 或 "y" (f直屏)

  • mySwiper.setWrapperTranslate(x,y,z) -手动给对象容器设定CSS3的转换数值,单位为像素

  • mySwiper.wrapperTransitionEnd(callback,permanent) – 自定义回调函数,在transitionEnd”事件后触发

参数 类型 默认值 例子  
speed number 300 600
eventTarget string 'wrapper' 'container'
autoplay number 5000
autoplayDisableOnInteraction boolean true false
autoplayStopOnLast boolean false true
mode string 'horizontal' 'vertical'
loop boolean false true
loopAdditionalSlides number 0 2
loopedSlides number 1 2
slidesPerView number or 'auto' 1 4
slidesPerViewFit boolean true false
slidesPerGroup number 1 2
calculateHeight boolean false true
roundLengths boolean false true
cssWidthAndHeight boolean false true
updateOnImagesReady boolean true false
releaseFormElements boolean true false
watchActiveIndex boolean false true
visibilityFullFit boolean false true
autoResize boolean true false
resizeReInit boolean false true
DOMAnimation boolean true false
resistance boolean or '100%' true false
noSwiping boolean false true
preventLinks boolean true false
preventLinksPropagation boolean false true
initialSlide number 2 0
useCSS3Transforms boolean true false
Free Mode and Scroll Container
freeMode boolean false true
freeModeFluid boolean false true
scrollContainer boolean false true
momentumRatio number 1 2
momentumBounce boolean true false
momentumBounceRatio number 1 2
Slides offset
centeredSlides boolean false true
offsetPxBefore number 0 100
offsetPxAfter number 0 100
offsetSlidesBefore number 0 2
offsetSlidesAfter number 0 2
Touch/mouse interactions
touchRatio number 1 0.8
simulateTouch boolean true false
onlyExternal boolean false true
followFinger boolean true false
grabCursor boolean false true
shortSwipes boolean true false
longSwipesRatio number 0.5 0.3
moveStartThreshold number false 100
swipeToNext boolean true false
swipeToPrev boolean true false
keyboardControl boolean false true
mousewheelControl boolean false true
mousewheelControlForceToAxis boolean false true
pagination string or HTML Element '.my-pagination'
paginationClickable boolean false true
paginationAsRange boolean true

createPagination boolean true false
wrapperClass string 'swiper-wrapper' 'my-wrapper'
slideClass string 'swiper-slide' 'my-slide'
slideActiveClass string 'swiper-slide-active' 'my-active-slide'
slideVisibleClass string 'swiper-slide-visible' 'my-visible-slide'
slideElement string 'div' 'li'
noSwipingClass string 'swiper-no-swiping' 'stop-swiping'
paginationElement string 'span' 'div'
paginationElementClass string 'swiper-pagination-switch' 'my-switch'
paginationActiveClass string 'swiper-active-switch' 'my-active-switch'
paginationVisibleClass string 'swiper-visible-switch' 'my-visible-switch'
queueStartCallbacks boolean false true
queueEndCallbacks boolean false true
onFirstInit function function(swiper){ do something }
onInit function function(swiper){ do something }
onSwiperCreated function function(swiper){ do something }
onTouchStart function function(swiper){ do something }
onTouchMove function function(swiper){ do something }
onTouchEnd function function(swiper){ do something }
onSlideReset function function(swiper){ do something }
onSlideChangeStart function function(swiper, direction){ do something }
onSlideChangeEnd function function(swiper, direction){ do something }
onSlideNext function function(swiper){ do something }
onSlidePrev function function(swiper){ do something }
onSlideClick function function(swiper){ do something }
onSlideTouch function function(swiper){ do something }
onImagesReady function function(swiper){ do something }
onMomentumBounce function function(swiper){ do something }
onResistanceBefore function function(swiper,p){ do something }
onResistanceAfter function function(swiper,p){ do something }
onSetWrapperTransition function function(swiper, duration){ do something }
onSetWrapperTransform function function(swiper, transform){ do something }
  var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{
    speed: 600,    onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper){
      alert('Hello 1');



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